unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月26日 02時27分

Here are 5 facts you never knew about your baby’s vaccines - from @unicef and Dr Brooke Vandermolen @theobgynmum :

1. Your baby actually starts recieving vaccine protection before they are even born.
When you have the whooping cough vaccine during pregnancy, its not for your benefit but actually your antibodies pass over to baby so they have protection at the time of birth from the potentially deadly whooping cough.

2. Your newborn may only get 2 injections, but recieves protection against up to 8 different infections because the vaccines combine together!

3. We have been using many of these vaccines for 30 years or even longer, protecting millions of children up to adulthood.

4. Not all vaccines are injections - they can be oral or even inhaled through the nose!

5. Each time a baby is exposed to the same vaccine (eg in a booster) their antibodies become even stronger and quicker at responding.

Did any of these surprise you?
Let us know below! 👇🏼

Cover image: © UNICEF/UN0679321/Hayyan


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