堀ジーンのインスタグラム(horijeanne) - 4月30日 02時02分

🤫📸 @horijeanne.eth 日本語訳は下へ
I used to dislike vegetables and didn't eat them until I was 21. I preferred greasy food and potato chips and was not motivated to work out. However, one day in January 2023, I woke up with a determination to change my life. Although I still eat some unhealthy foods that I enjoy, I have made progress by becoming more physically fit. My body fat has decreased from 30.1% to 25% in just three months. If I improve my eating habits further, I could have potentially reached 20% body fat in 3 months.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



