クリス・ハートのインスタグラム(chrishart_official) - 6月19日 19時53分

In this modern world, where the pace is fast and noise is everywhere, silence has become a rare and precious commodity. Yet, it’s in the quiet moments that I’ve found my most profound creative inspiration. Embracing silence allows me to connect deeper with my inner self, bringing a sense of calmness and peace that’s truly rejuvenating.

It’s a challenging practice to sit with our thoughts without any distraction, but it’s an essential part of self-care. Silence gives us a break from the constant bombardment of information and allows us to observe our thoughts rather than getting caught up in them. It’s not about eliminating thoughts or emotions, but about acknowledging them without judgment.

As we start this new week, I encourage you to carve out a bit of silence in your day. Whether it’s in the early morning, during a midday break, or before bed, find a few moments for quiet reflection. You might be surprised at what you discover in the silence.

Wishing you all a tranquil and restorative Monday. 🌿 #MindfulMonday #WellnessJourney #SilenceIsGolden




皆様にとって、穏やかでリストラティブな月曜日でありますように。🌿 #マインドフルマンデー #ウェルネスジャーニー #静寂は金


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



