ノア・サイラスのインスタグラム(noahcyrus) - 6月27日 02時45分

the greatest moment of my entire life was saying “yes” to spending the rest of ours together. this past month of being your fiancé and being in our own little world of just us two has been so perfect and i wish i could never leave this time. i never thought i would ever meet a man like you or someone so selfless and filled with so much love to give. you’re the least judge mental human being i’ve ever met. the most talented, the most loyal, the kindest person. i’ve never felt more loved or in love. i now know the feeling of forever not being long enough. i’m so excited to spend this life with you , our life so far is a life i never thought i deserved or would live. i never thought i’d be looking forward to living as much as i look forward to living with you. i’m so grateful for you. i don’t know how i got so lucky … i would say “yes” to you every day for the rest of my life.. i love you Pinks. i love you i love you i love you. 🏹👁️⃤ 🤎✨


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