Blonde Saladのインスタグラム(theblondesalad) - 6月29日 23時26分

To the rhythm of ‘Amare’ and ‘Ciao Ciao’, the Italian duo La Rappresentante di Lista gave voice to the inauguration of the MARTINI Pop Up Bar. A temporary (and super cool) bar opened on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the famous Italian brand in one of the most evocative and magical locations in Milan: i Dazi, near Sempione Park and the Arco della Pace. During this extraordinary evening, among special guests, influencers, a drink list that lived up to the MARTINI name and a red carpet in the brand’s emblematic colour shade, an unforgettable experience was lived out, in the name of entertainment and timeless style.

@martiniit #MARTINI160 #AperitivoItaliano adv


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