グレタ・トゥーンベリのインスタグラム(gretathunberg) - 8月18日 17時32分

Week 261. This weekend marks 5 years since the first school strike for the climate and Fridays For Future was born. For five years, we in this movement have shown up every week demanding climate justice. Some Fridays we have been millions of people flooding the streets of the world, other Fridays we have been a few dozen who have braved the cold outside our local Parliament buildings. Even though we have shown time and time again that we are millions around the world who demand change, the world is not moving in the right direction. The emissions of greenhouse gases are still going up. We are rapidly approaching planetary tipping points at faster rates than previously expected. We desperately need radical climate action now to save what can still be saved and limit as much as possible of the disastrous effects of the climate crisis that people are already experiencing. Too much is at stake, which is why we have to continue – there is simply no other option. We must keep up the pressure and not let the people in power get away with sacrificing people and planet for the sake of profit and greed. Everyone is welcome and needed in the climate justice movement, the fight has only just started. Find out more how you can join Fridays For Future at fridaysforfuture.org , start your own group or join a local chapter. Our next global climate strike is September 15th. See you on the streets!
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




