ポーシャ・ウッドマンさんのインスタグラム写真 - (ポーシャ・ウッドマンInstagram)「It was a pleasure to present the @mastercard Player of the Match trophy to Ben Donaldson at the #AUSvGEO game. This year Mastercard has created a live music soundtrack of the match embedded in the trophy, so the #POTM can experience the win again and again 🙌  #MastercardAmbassador」9月12日 5時11分 - porshwoodman

ポーシャ・ウッドマンのインスタグラム(porshwoodman) - 9月12日 05時11分

It was a pleasure to present the @mastercard Player of the Match trophy to Ben Donaldson at the #AUSvGEO game. This year Mastercard has created a live music soundtrack of the match embedded in the trophy, so the #POTM can experience the win again and again 🙌 #MastercardAmbassador


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