NHK「WORLD-JAPAN」のインスタグラム(nhkworldjapan) - 9月16日 06時00分

Not so fond of the smell of natto? 🫤 Want some of this Japanese superfood’s health benefits? 😊 Then this recipe might be for you! 🤔

Rolled natto omelet! 😋

Enclosing the natto in the sweet eggs helps conceal some of its smell.😯

This is the second of 3 recipes we are posting using this traditional Japanese fermented food.

Keep an eye out for the other recipes! 🆗
👉 For full instructions and more about the latest science on natto|Watch|The Power of Natto, a Japanese Superfood|Video available Free On Demand|NHK WORLD-JAPAN website.👀.
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#natto #納豆 #なっとう #omelette #omelet #nattoomelette #nattoomelet #japaneseomelette #rolledomelette #rolledomelet #fermentation #superfood #goodbacteria #fermentedsoybeans #healthbenefits #japaneserecipe #nattorecipe #foodasmedicine #traditionalfood #japanesefood #japanesesuperfood #foodfromjapan #medicalfrontiers #japaneseculture #japanesetradition #japan #nhkworldjapan


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