patagoniaのインスタグラム(patagonia) - 9月23日 03時18分

Last weekend, tens of thousands of you showed up in New York City to tell world leaders that it’s long past time to kick fossil fuels for good. We left the weekend feeling optimistic, inspired and ready to continue the hard work ahead. So, what’s next? As Climate Week gets under way, government and business representatives from around the globe are now gathering at the U.N. Climate Ambition Summit, a first-of-its-kind event aimed at accelerating plans for a global movement away from fossil fuels.

You can build momentum by signing the petition at the link in our bio, asking the U.S. government to halt fossil fuel expansion and extraction. Or visit Patagonia Action Works ( to connect with grassroots organizations leading important work to end fossil fuels.

Video: Luke Boelitz (@lukeboelitz)

Speakers: Tracy Brown, President, Riverkeeper; Manning Rollerson, Better Brazoria: Clean Air & Water; Sharon Lavigne, Founder, Rise St. James; Miguel Escoto, Organizing Director, Oilfield Witness



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