マイケルコースのインスタグラム(michaelkors) - 9月23日 06時07分

“Linda to me has always represented fashion with a capital F. She’s the one who always wanted to be a model, who always loved fashion, loved photography, and that’s why she became such a brilliant chameleon. You can’t think of another person who could be Katharine Hepburn and Sophia Loren. I mean, it’s an impossibility.” -MK

Linda Evangelista walks the Michael Kors runway in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s.

“The Super Models” docuseries premiered this week on @iTunes. Tune in to see @リンダ・エヴァンジェリスタ, Michael and more familiar faces featured.



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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
Michelle Lewinさんがフォロー
