タラ・リピンスキーのインスタグラム(taralipinski) - 9月23日 07時14分

Hey guys! I learned about grants with Hope For Fertility just the other day and wanted to get this info out as soon as possible.

I feel so lucky I had the ability to continue fertility treatments and I know more and more ivf treatments are being covered by insurance but that is NOT the case for everyone. I have been reaching out to anyone I can to try to find options and opportunities for people who want to continue treatments in pursuit of their dream to build a family. Here’s the info!

Their grant applications are open through September 30th! They give multiple grants to go towards donor sperm, donor egg, IVF treatments, adoption, surrogacy, etc. This is a great opportunity if you need help to continue your journey and I will keep looking for more opportunities like this one and share them with you all.

Check the link in my stories for a direct link to the application page. I’ll also share a direct link to a donation page if you feel compelled to donate. Even a dollar will make a difference! They are a volunteer 501-c3 organization so the donations go directly towards the grants!

To learn more go to @hopeforfertility

Links in my STORIES!

Application link https://www.hopeforfertility.org/grant/

Donation link

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