CANON USAのインスタグラム(canonusa) - 10月2日 22時00分's journey to becoming a #CanonExplorerOfLight: "What photo is your favorite and why?

Embark on a journey with me as we dive into some of my most cherished photographs captured during my career as an underwater photographer. These images are not just pictures; they are a testament to the unwavering passion, countless hours, and unyielding commitment dedicated to immortalizing the extraordinary beings that inhabit our oceans.

I often tell people that a one-week dive or snorkel expedition is deemed a resounding success if it yields just one photograph that truly satisfies my soul. The process of capturing these images is not without its challenges, but within those challenges lie the most rewarding moments. Beneath the surface, the variables multiply—visibility, challenging lighting conditions, unpredictable currents, and the ever-present need for a steady air supply.

The path to becoming a Canon Explorer of Light was a lengthy one, demanding countless hours submerged beneath the waves. It all began in 2010, when I set out to explore the world's oceans. My early photographs may not have been exceptional, but by dedicating nearly ten months a year for numerous years, I submerged myself in the world of underwater photography. I learned from my own experiences and from those who shared their wisdom. My relentless commitment to travel across the globe and capture these moments eventually brought my work to a level that fills me with personal contentment.

I find myself spending an average of over 250 days each year either in or on the water, allowing me to hone my craft and nurture my deepest passion.

Now, I invite you to reflect on your own photographic dreams. What steps are you taking to chase them? What moves are you making? In every journey, there is an untold story, and in every dream, a spark of inspiration. Together, let's celebrate the pursuit of our passions, the beauty of our world, and the incredible stories waiting to be captured through the lens of our creativity."


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