マイケル・ジャクソンさんのインスタグラム写真 - (マイケル・ジャクソンInstagram)「Michael on why it took two and a half years to create his 'Bad' album: “A perfectionist has to take his time; he shapes, and he molds, and he sculpts that thing until it’s perfect. He can’t let it go before he’s satisfied, he can’t. If it’s not right, you throw it away and do it over. You work that thing till it’s just right. When it’s as perfect as you can make it, you put it out there."」10月10日 1時00分 - michaeljackson

マイケル・ジャクソンのインスタグラム(michaeljackson) - 10月10日 01時00分

Michael on why it took two and a half years to create his 'Bad' album:
“A perfectionist has to take his time; he shapes, and he molds, and he sculpts that thing until it’s perfect. He can’t let it go before he’s satisfied, he can’t. If it’s not right, you throw it away and do it over. You work that thing till it’s just right. When it’s as perfect as you can make it, you put it out there."


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