安間佐千さんのインスタグラム写真 - (安間佐千Instagram)「がしゃどくろ 5.13a〜b? FA✅  「マガスラブにすごい前傾壁があるんですよ。」すると大抵、「ガマスラブ?」と返ってくる。昨年から通っている開拓エリアへのアプローチは、マガスラブ沿いに急登を登るのだが、大きなスラブにぶつかって水曜日のシンデレラ側に向かうと、その奥には前傾壁が聳えている。風格的には5.14レベルで、その威圧感から今まで手付かずだったのだろう。アプローチもビクターから15分ほどのところに、こんな宝物が残っているとは驚きだった。  見下ろされているようなその前傾壁に圧倒されながら取り付くが、ホールドを効かせていく感じで、ムーブを組み立てると全てが気持ちよくハマっていく。その日の2トライ目で登ることができた。覚悟していただけに拍子抜けしたが、小川山らしからぬクライミングスタイルは素晴らしかった。  最後のボルトから終了点までは徐々に簡単になり、クラックがあるのでボルトは打たれていない。ランナウトでもいけるが、キャメロットの0.4か0.5を一つ持っていくと良い。 グレードは暫定的。  最近小川山行けてないけど、早く戻りたいな。  Gasha Dokuro 5.13a-b? FA  There’s a tremendous overhang wall on the “Maga Slab.” Then usually people say, “Gama Slab?”. The approach to the pioneering area we have been going since last year is a steep climb along the Maga Slab, but when you hit a big slab and head toward the [Wednesday’s Cinderella], the overhanging wall stands at the back of it. It looks like 5.14 level and has probably been untouched until now because of its intimidating nature. The approach was also a surprise to find such a treasure still there, just 15 minutes from Victor boulder.  I was overwhelmed by the overhanging wall that seemed to look down on me as I tried it, but I felt like I had to make the holds work, and once I put together the moves, everything fell into place with a good feeling. I was able to climb it on my second try that day. I was disappointed because I was prepared for something super hard. But the climbing style was great, not unlike Ogawayama.  From the last bolt to the anchor, it got easier and easier. You can go runnout, but just bring one of Camelot’s 0.4 or 0.5. Grade is tentative.  I haven’t been able to go to Ogawayama lately, but I can’t wait to get back.  Photos by @aoiumidokomademo   @adidasterrex  @fiveten_official  @petzl_official  @newhale_japan  @newhale_climbing  @carbongrip  #アルテリア  #小川山」11月3日 15時02分 - sachiamma

安間佐千のインスタグラム(sachiamma) - 11月3日 15時02分

がしゃどくろ 5.13a〜b? FA✅





Gasha Dokuro 5.13a-b? FA

There’s a tremendous overhang wall on the “Maga Slab.” Then usually people say, “Gama Slab?”. The approach to the pioneering area we have been going since last year is a steep climb along the Maga Slab, but when you hit a big slab and head toward the [Wednesday’s Cinderella], the overhanging wall stands at the back of it. It looks like 5.14 level and has probably been untouched until now because of its intimidating nature. The approach was also a surprise to find such a treasure still there, just 15 minutes from Victor boulder.

I was overwhelmed by the overhanging wall that seemed to look down on me as I tried it, but I felt like I had to make the holds work, and once I put together the moves, everything fell into place with a good feeling. I was able to climb it on my second try that day. I was disappointed because I was prepared for something super hard. But the climbing style was great, not unlike Ogawayama.

From the last bolt to the anchor, it got easier and easier. You can go runnout, but just bring one of Camelot’s 0.4 or 0.5.
Grade is tentative.

I haven’t been able to go to Ogawayama lately, but I can’t wait to get back.

Photos by @aoiumidokomademo



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