林俊傑のインスタグラム(jjlin) - 11月15日 23時47分

I wish this was a prank, but it's not.
I also wish I had a cooler story to tell, but I’m afraid not…
I’ve injured my little finger.
While trying to save a falling glass bottle, I accidentally hit my hand, and suffered a torn tendon to my pinky finger, and am unable to straighten it no matter how hard I try. Fortunately, X-Ray showed no sign of bone fracture.
However, I will have to be wearing a finger cast from now on, 24/7 for the next 6 weeks, and hope that it will recover!
Please do not worry about me, I will brace this and get well, like I always have!

昨天有人好奇我的手指怎麼了?其實我是為了「拯救」掉落的玻璃瓶,尾指肌腱受傷了… 醫生指示接下來6週必須戴著輔助器讓肌腱歸位。所幸筋骨無恙,希望6週以後肌腱能夠順利復原!不用擔心,會好的(一如往常)。

#malletfinger #iwillgetwellsoon #roadtoJJ20


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



