デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 11月19日 09時39分

Final weekend of ‘Perfectly Shattered’ tour dates before the finale in Boston at @the_wilbur next week. I’ve been blessed with great friends that are also dynamic voices in the comedy scene. Starting w/ @paulhughescomic a guy I’ve known since 1998 when LA was fun and no one had a cell phone to prove it. Probably a good thing. Hughes has such an attitude on stage and it’s a hybrid of how he takes on situations in life. He’s got road under his feet and I know he is headed towards a fantastic 2024. He’s got a new book.. he’s got a great routine and he’s one of the best people I know in and out of the biz. @drewdunncomedy is a star on the rise. He’s got so many tool in his arsenal, he’s got a great outlook and he crushes. Not only that but as a former athlete he has that focus I can fully explain. I know it bc I adopted it naturally from my father. Competitive plus knowledgeable makes for tenacious folks - oh and he’s east coast. @adamw is already such a success. He’s got an epic future ahead and I know he’s where he is at already because of his drive and talent. The guy has a few dozen stand up sets under his belt but he’s proving himself to be a gifted comedian. I’m sure he will blend his online success w/ this “new” endeavor and take it to places we have not seen before. As for me.. well.. I’ve been told I’m one of the best to ever pick up the mic. I guess I am kinda invincible up there. I’ve set or broken ever comedy record there is - a billion streams online w a career of content, hundreds of millions of bucks made for films and shit. And AND I’m married to the baddest bitch ever. Plus - word is - I am only getting better and once I reach full power I will destroy this planet and then move on to challenges beyond this simulation. I love you all. I can’t wait for 2024. It’s going to be so much more. I believe in us.


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