Bunta のインスタグラム(buntatf) - 11月22日 20時42分
🇨🇳 China Tour 🌏
These 5 days abroad really got me thinking. Performing live overseas after so long, especially in the current times, had a profound impact on my perspective and way of life. Aside from the challenges with food (I'm not use to star anise🤣), I found the vibes and mindset of the people in China surprisingly resonating with mine. Despite the physical fatigue, my soul felt incredibly fulfilled.
Being in a band – it’s a whole mood, you know? 😄 In contrast to my usual self in Japan, I realized how much I let others’ opinions and actions influence me when I stood alone in China.
Connecting with musicians from different countries through the universal language of music is magical. Even if words don’t match, the love for bands, drummers, or players creates a bond.
In Shanghai, chatting with Captives🇦🇺 at the bar, we geeked out over stories with Nick about Rev from Avenged Sevenfold. In Beijing, before the show, hanging out with Xiaozhen and Boohim at his Craft Beer Bar, talk about some epic McFly.
It’s incredible how music allows us to connect beyond borders and races 🇨🇳🫶🇯🇵. I’m eager for more overseas gigs! 💪💪💪#totalfat #captives #gentlegrape #ChinaTour #MusicConnects #GlobalVibes
#drum #drums #drummer #drumlife #drumforhappy #drumming
🇨🇳 中国巡演回顾 🌏
组乐队真的是一种特别的心情,你懂吧 😄。 跟我在日本时的自己相比,当我独自一人站在中国时,我意识到我有多么容让他人的意见和行为左右我的生活。
在上海,与Captives🇦🇺在酒吧聊天时,我们对Nick,那位鼓手,以及Avenged Sevenfold的REV的故事兴致勃勃。在北京,在演出前,在Gentle Grape与Xiaozhen共度的时光,也让我们对Mcfly的讨论兴奋不已。
通过音乐超越国界和种族连接在一起真的太棒了 🇨🇳🫶🇯🇵。我迫不及待想要更多海外演出! 💪💪💪 #中国巡演 #音乐连接 #全球氛围
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