ヤスミン・アル=マスリーのインスタグラム(jazmasri) - 11月26日 12時38分

Speaking for Palestine is harder in Hollywood then in Washington.. yes.. it’s the truth about the city where stories are made and sold into every household and every conscience around the world.. Hollywood shoves what ever narrative it choses in your and your kids minds.. it’s responsible for 90% of images, preconceptions and impressions that you and I have of what a good person looks like and what an evil person looks like.. and this story machine is far from done when held accountable about the way it objectifies women and men, denying access and misrepresenting American indigenous, Black, Asian, Latino, LGBTQ brothers and sisters .. do you wonder what being Palestinian in this business emplies ? Some stars have lost agents and jobs for speaking out for Palestinian freedom the last few days.. today some good people showed up proud and United to represent all of us.. and I was so happy to be among them, with my sister and leader of the Jewish voice for peace Los Angeles chapter @esteechandler @jewishvoiceforpeace .. bc #nooneisfreeuntileveryoneisfree and Hollywood has a role to play by giving the platform to our voices and stories and by questioning it’s self on its bias history when it comes to not only Palestine but the entire Arab Muslim and none Muslim world.. 🎥 #make #movies not #war #change the #world #one #story at a time open your #heart #hollywood the #kids are #awake and they are not going anywhere .. 👧🏽 👦🏻 🧒


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