ブライス・ウェットシュタインのインスタグラム(brycewettstein) - 11月27日 01時50分
Bryce was born January 10th in Encinitas California, she says she’s been skating since birth. Her mother and father gave her a skateboard for Christmas when she was still very young. Apparently the board was hand made from a larger foam board.
•What kept you skating? “The beauty of it all”
•To what do you attribute your kindness and love toward others and the world in general? “I really just want to be kind by being one to anything … especially if it’s different”
•What is it like going to the Olympics? “The Olympics was like the Mecca of all the world qualifiers together but then it just began to be , the quietest most beautiful place where we were all together just loving each other and what we were doing ☺️❤️”
•What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to skate? “I love Sweden, Argentina and Dubai.”
•Advice to young girls who skate…”To all the girls !! Just go after something you’ve never done before !! If it feels right , also be how you feel like being, and let it fill your cup in however much you want it to be filled !! Be as brave as you can, but also, be as brave as you want 😊💕 and of course, BELIEVE !”
•When do you think you’ll stop skateboarding? “Maybe”
•Any words of your own to put into the universe? “Be you!!! and rediscover what you already rediscovered !!
Thank you Bryce you are portrait #51 of #skatemugsbyccd #skateboarding #photography #portrait #blackandwhite #olyimoian #womanpower #athlete #teamcanonusa
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