テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 11月27日 03時06分

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Believe it or not, imposter syndrome kicked my butt for a good part of this year. Somewhere between healing and rediscovering what makes me happy, I gave up on myself a little. “I’m trying” became something I said regularly until a friend said to me “stop trying & just do it”. That moment with a few other conversations with myself and friends helped me take a step back and start prioritizing my happiness and over all health.

➡️ Here’s a few things I’ve been doing the last couple months to retrain my brain and create better habits:

🩷 5 mins of meditation in the morning before grabbing my phone and gratitude journaling every single night
🩷 Eating within the first hour of waking up, and reminding myself I deserve to eat well
🩷 Limiting my caffeine (it contributes to my anxiety)
🩷 Getting dressed up every single day (because working from home & wearing the same hoodie daily will make you feel blah) Trust me lol
🩷Moving my body everyday for 20 minutes, whatever that looks like (I love Pilates & walking!)
🩷 Taking my time to do my skincare routine every single day because why?? I deserve it! My body too, not just my face.
🩷 Open my mail immediately and deal with it, don’t make a pile because I know I won’t get to it later 🙃 🩷 Planning out everything, work, activities with my boys, seeing friends, but making sure I see people and don’t rot away at home
🩷 Daily affirmations and ZERO negative words about myself or others

🤝 Find a routine that works to you and stick to it. I promise you’re worth it! 🥰


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
Fenty X Pumaさんがフォロー
