DIAZ Melanieのインスタグラム(mely_diaaz) - 12月17日 06時33分

🎅🏻🎄🧸 Cookiesss for Santa🧸🎄🎅🏻

Ingredients for the cookies:
🎄1 cup oats
🎄1/2 cup sugar
🎄1 stick vegan butter
🎄1 tsp cinnamon
🎄3 tbsp maple syrup
🎄1 tsp vanilla
🎄3/4 cup shredded coconut
🎄1 cup self rising flour
🎄1 tbsp soy milk

For the icing:
🤶🏻1 1/2 tbsp vegan butter
🤶🏻1 cup powdered sugar
🤶🏻1 tbsp soy milk
🤶🏻1 tbsp vanilla
🤶🏻Red & black food coloring

🧸In a bowl, mix the vegan butter, sugar, maple syrup, cinnamon and vanilla.
🧸Add the oats and shredded coconut & mix.
🧸Add the tbsp of soy milk and mix with your hands.
🧸Shape 1 medium ball for head & 2 smaller balls for the ears.
🧸Bake at 350°F for 12-15 minutos.

✨🧸PD: wait for the cookies to cool down before decorating 🧸✨

❄️☃️🎄E N J O Y 🎄☃️❄️

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