ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月30日 07時30分

Asquith Creek, MD. Photo by @peteressik on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. The Chesapeake Bay has a history of problems associated with excessive nitrogen pollution. Oysters, crabs, and underwater grasses have all suffered when summer algae blooms fed by nitrogen and high temperatures cloud the clear waters. Fortunately, the bay also has a history of environmental advocacy led by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. In the 45 years since the foundation first proclaimed "save the bay," there has been progress made on controlling nitrogen runoff, but most gains have been overtaken by increases in population in the watershed. One persistent problem has been dead zones in the summer in the deep waters of the main bay. Recently, Pierre Henkart of the Severn Riverkeeper, in the boat, discovered dead zones in waters as shallow as 10 feet in Asquith Creek, MD. The diver is my assistant shining a light to show the poor water clarity and tan color in the creek caused by a dinoflagellate bloom. In 2005, I photographed a story for National Geographic on the Chesapeake that was titled "Why can't we save the bay?" The question remains.


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