ジーエルシーオーのインスタグラム(garrettleight) - 1月4日 16時51分

I'm so proud of my #dad 61 years old and still living the dream. He wrote me an email the other day with this picture attached, saying check me out man, I've lost 18 pounds and still chasing perfect waves in Costa Rica. This is one man that knows the key to his own heart. One thing I've always loved about my dad is that he is a no compromise kind of guy. A true perfectionist. Perfect waves and perfect frames is what makes him truly happy inside. And of course sharing that with his family. I'm so proud to have a dad living his own dream by always doing what makes him happy. But losing 18 lbs....I know that's for me and my sisters, so he can live to see our kids pursue their dream. @larry1111 you the man and I love you. And to my mom @cindyleight I know this social media thing throws you off, I love you too and proud of you. I'm writing this from my cozy bed in my cozy house that you sold me. The message is that both of you taught me...do what makes you happy and don't compromise. Chase your dreams and put yourself first, there's nothing wrong with that. The happier you are, the happier everyone else who comes in contact with you will be. Cheers to life


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