ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 1月15日 06時58分

Happy birthday to my younger brother @itsnaroop !! I couldn't ask for a better lil Bro. I love him more than words can describe. It was only ever us. 2 brothers. We'd play, and fight, and make up in secs then play and eat..(oh would we eat..me a little more than him). And we'd drive mum and dad crazy. 2 nutters. Went to the same school all the way till Uni and eventually ended up at the same Uni too! We were inseperable. And we still are. Though I live in NewYork and he lives in London, ain't nuttin but the water between us. He's still my little bro even tho he's a grown ass man!! (I'd still kick his arse..?).So proud of what he has achieved. For the past 10years or so a majority of the photos you see of me have been taken by my brother and my cousin (www.amitandnaroop.com)- keep it in the family as they say!! Not only is he one of UK's most talented photographers having shot everyone from music artists to Ricky Gervais, he also is a super talented director. He reminded ME to focus and dream big at times when I might have lost a little faith along the way. His drive and ambition and positive attitude towards life is admirable and I'm so proud to show him off to the world. Born to do big things, my little bro, I love you and miss u always! Can't wait to see u next week! Gonna be a MAD CELEBRATION!!


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