レキシー・プリースマンのインスタグラム(lpriessman2016) - 1月21日 21時12分

Holy pictures.. I know! But this isn't even half I could use:) Happy birthday meals and I hope you have a great day! Omggg I have absolutely no clue what I would do without you! Your literally the greatest friend ever! ... I dont know what i would do without you Your my peanut butter to my jelly You're the star to my burst
You're the milk to my cookie
You're the frosting to my cake
You're the sugar to my spice
You're the smile to my face! I love you and can't thank you enough for all the great memories we have had together! Who can say they have been to Japan Italy Elsavodor and many more places with there all time best friend... Not many! (p.s we are both the same age for two days) Yeahh! Love you and can't wait for camp:) ❤???✌


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