ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月26日 23時02分

Climate Scientist Lonnie Thompson in his freezer at Ohio State University. Photo by @peteressick. In an article titled "Risk Takers" in the January 2013 issue of National Geographic, there is a photo and interview with Lonnie Thompson. He has collected ice cores from tropical glaciers around the world that reveal climatic conditions of the past. In the interview Thompson says that he believes that data alone won't convince people of the urgency of climate change, only "when people lose their homes or crops to fires, droughts, tornados - when people lose everything they have worked for - they'll say Whoa! What's going on here?" I made this photograph of Thompson for a Geographic story on climate change in 2004. For me, climate scientists like Thompson and many others are heroes. Their work is often done under difficult conditions, and many have faced political pressure in order to do their science. I believe future generations will see them as modern-day prophets, who could have lessened a lot of turmoil and suffering if only we had listened to them in their own time.


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