レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 4月16日 22時32分

10 Days of Love - Day 7: Find your true north.

For the seventh day of #10DaysOfLove I encourage you to find your inner compass. Where are you at spiritually right now? Do you have a direction in life? Do you know where you are going? We all feel lost from time to time, and figuring out our true passions and dreams is the first step towards finding out true north.
Grab a notebook, find a quiet place to sit and write down your dream situation in life. What does your heart ache for? Focus on what first comes to mind. It can be anything from getting your dream job, to studying something you've always wanted to learn, building a home, starting a family, opening your own business, traveling the world, creating a healthy lifestyle... What do you dream of? What direction do you want to take in life? How can you find your true north? If you feel you are off track, it's time for a change. Write all of your thoughts down, and make a list of ten active steps you can take towards making this happen. Take one step today - no matter how small.
Post a picture of your dream, or the active step you are taking towards finding your true north!


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
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