ライアン・ダニエル・ドブソンのインスタグラム(ryanddobson) - 6月9日 15時18分

Part 2: Orley Jones was 97 years old. He was a man to whom I was proud to be related, even indirectly. He grew up the youngest of 8 in a poor family in rural Kansas. A lover of music and accomplished French horn player (later in the OKC Philharmonic), Orley set those aside and enlisted in the Air Force during WWII. Meanwhile he fell in love with one adorable Elsie Walker. They married during a few days of leave he had prior to shipping out for the war. In battle he served as a navigator for a B24 bomber and while on his 23rd mission - a bombing raid over Germany - was shot down and listed as MIA.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



