laurag_143のインスタグラム(laurag_143) - 7月8日 06時30分

Yesterday I had a heart to heart with my aunt @marydenovitz, who is battling breast cancer for the second time... Often times we hear the phrase, "Don't take life for granted", but how many of us find ourselves complaining about having a bad hair day, cramps, aches & pains, etc...Yet there are people wishing they had hair. Our aches & pains, are nothing compared to the pain & suffering cancer patients are dealing with. Most of us have no idea because we have not experienced it. It's easy for us to say, "Don't worry it will be ok, you'll get through it" because we aren't the ones going through it physically! Maybe we are there mentally, but we can't take away the pain. Cancer patients are so much stronger than we realize!! Everyone has down days & that is perfectly fine, but my point is, just when we think we have it bad, remember there are others who have it worse.
It's been a tough road for her & only God knows why! I pray that he continues to give her the comfort & strength she needs. She is SO STRONG, BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING, POSITIVE...the list could go on forever!!! Love you aunty!! You & your smile are always on my mind!! Praying for you & all patients with cancer!! God bless! Also, remember to keep @taliajoy18 & her family in your prayers! ?❤?❤?❤?❤?


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