ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 8月18日 11時29分

Look at the words on the left- don't they LOOK negative!?? I'm not gettin all airy fairy with u but I really feel like words themselves have a a vibe and energy! They can look and feel negative or positive. The words on the right make me feel positive and good. Just lookin at the words themselves. Surround yourself with good and pure. I just found this interesting and thought I'd share it with u. Ever walk into a room and immediately feel like something is "off"? and u dont even know why but u know u dont like the vibe in there. And same with people. I meet hundreds and thousands of ppl in my line of work and every one of them gives off a certain vibe. They either make me feel great and happy or make me never wanna see them again! Everyone, everything, has a certain energy. I try to only surround myself with awesome ones. #gotwaytoodeepthere #iswearimnotahippie #norhaveibeensmokinganything #imjustsayin lol


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