Dear Cali, 3 years ago on this day God blessed me with the greatest gift I have ever received. The gift of being a Father to the most beautiful baby in the world !!! On that day, to me.... you were Beyonce' to Matthew...... Michelle Obama to Fraser..... You were Halle to Jerome Berry although I will never leave you astray..... Not even in the most trying times.... DADDY will always be here for his baby girl !!!! I remember the 1st time I looked into your eyes as Nurse Linda passed you to me with a smile on her face as if she could see the future... in that moment, I could only imagine all of the beautiful moments, laughs, hugs & amazing things we would share in the days to come. It almost amazes me that all it takes is one look into your eyes to motivate me & give me the drive needed to nurture & care for a family for a lifetime. There is something very special about you Cali..... & there is not one person that has come in contact with you that doesn't share my same sentiments. You make me whole....You make me happier.... You make me able... You give me the strength needed to succeed in all I attempt.... You are my light... My salvation.... My life.... My love... Cali, You are my heart !!!!!! If God never gives me anything else in Life, the gift of being a Father to the most precious little baby girl will do me just fine. I promise to never be the reason you cry (unless its about dating a boy, wearing make-up or getting your toes polished) ha ha ha......... I promise to be here for you everyday as long as I breathe & even in my departure you are covered by God & protected by the silent army I have strategically placed around you. You are my heart baby.... & it doesn't beat unless you SMILE & with that said...... HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY CALIFORNIA DREAM TAYLOR aka @littlemisscali !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & as a gift from my followers..... Everyone that reads this & is touched by the love I have for my amazing daughter.... Go head & press the FOLLOW button for @littlemisscali's birthday !!!!

losangelesconfidentialさん(@losangelesconfidential)が投稿した動画 -

ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 8月21日 23時13分

Dear Cali, 3 years ago on this day God blessed me with the greatest gift I have ever received. The gift of being a Father to the most beautiful baby in the world !!! On that day, to me.... you were Beyonce' to Matthew...... Michelle Obama to Fraser..... You were Halle to Jerome Berry although I will never leave you astray..... Not even in the most trying times.... DADDY will always be here for his baby girl !!!! I remember the 1st time I looked into your eyes as Nurse Linda passed you to me with a smile on her face as if she could see the future... in that moment, I could only imagine all of the beautiful moments, laughs, hugs & amazing things we would share in the days to come. It almost amazes me that all it takes is one look into your eyes to motivate me & give me the drive needed to nurture & care for a family for a lifetime. There is something very special about you Cali..... & there is not one person that has come in contact with you that doesn't share my same sentiments. You make me whole....You make me happier.... You make me able... You give me the strength needed to succeed in all I attempt.... You are my light... My salvation.... My life.... My love... Cali, You are my heart !!!!!! If God never gives me anything else in Life, the gift of being a Father to the most precious little baby girl will do me just fine. I promise to never be the reason you cry (unless its about dating a boy, wearing make-up or getting your toes polished) ha ha ha......... I promise to be here for you everyday as long as I breathe & even in my departure you are covered by God & protected by the silent army I have strategically placed around you. You are my heart baby.... & it doesn't beat unless you SMILE & with that said...... HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY CALIFORNIA DREAM TAYLOR aka @littlemisscali !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & as a gift from my followers..... Everyone that reads this & is touched by the love I have for my amazing daughter.... Go head & press the FOLLOW button for @littlemisscali's birthday !!!!


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