It's Gratitude Monday! Almost forgot. Today I am grateful for my yoga mat. My mind has been extremely busy all day and I haven't felt grounded at all. I sometimes like to think of my mind like a chattering monkey that bounces off the walls refusing to sit still because too much stuff is going on. Today was a day like that. I've been annoyed, frustrated, sad, even pissed off. Yes - I have these days, too! I'm drowning in emails I can't keep up with or find enough time to answer, some issues with workshops, the dogs are driving me completely crazy, I feel like I'm getting nowhere constantly unpacking boxes and lots of tiny tiny issues that in the big scheme of things mean absolutely nothing but add up making this first day of the week a very stressful one for me. So what do I do? I roll out my yoga mat. I move. I breathe. I do only the poses my body feel like doing, I only go with my own flow, and with time I allow a small space of nothingness to open up in my head. I take my first real, deep breath of the day about halfway through the session - that's how long it took me to quiet my mind enough to come back to my foundation. I cry. A lot. I don't need big dark reasons to cry, I cry when I feel like it and I stop when it's passed. Crying is good. Crying is better than good; it's essential. I stay in Savasana until the dogs start scratching the door to come inside so badly it sounds like they're going to knock the house down. I let the dogs in, and I love them. My computer is waiting. It's ok. Life is so good, the universe sometimes gives you a small kick in the butt for you to fully feel that inexplicable love for life, for everything you have. It's a feeling we cannot live without. Stress is good. Small problems have big meanings. Breathe and you'll see. Now. What are you grateful for today? Share, in honesty. Love to all. #gratitudemonday

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月17日 07時43分

It's Gratitude Monday! Almost forgot. Today I am grateful for my yoga mat.
My mind has been extremely busy all day and I haven't felt grounded at all. I sometimes like to think of my mind like a chattering monkey that bounces off the walls refusing to sit still because too much stuff is going on. Today was a day like that. I've been annoyed, frustrated, sad, even pissed off. Yes - I have these days, too! I'm drowning in emails I can't keep up with or find enough time to answer, some issues with workshops, the dogs are driving me completely crazy, I feel like I'm getting nowhere constantly unpacking boxes and lots of tiny tiny issues that in the big scheme of things mean absolutely nothing but add up making this first day of the week a very stressful one for me.
So what do I do? I roll out my yoga mat. I move. I breathe. I do only the poses my body feel like doing, I only go with my own flow, and with time I allow a small space of nothingness to open up in my head. I take my first real, deep breath of the day about halfway through the session - that's how long it took me to quiet my mind enough to come back to my foundation. I cry. A lot. I don't need big dark reasons to cry, I cry when I feel like it and I stop when it's passed. Crying is good. Crying is better than good; it's essential.
I stay in Savasana until the dogs start scratching the door to come inside so badly it sounds like they're going to knock the house down. I let the dogs in, and I love them. My computer is waiting. It's ok. Life is so good, the universe sometimes gives you a small kick in the butt for you to fully feel that inexplicable love for life, for everything you have. It's a feeling we cannot live without.
Stress is good. Small problems have big meanings. Breathe and you'll see.

Now. What are you grateful for today? Share, in honesty. Love to all. #gratitudemonday


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