ベン・ボーラーのインスタグラム(benballer) - 9月17日 08時54分

Last night was one to remember. It was something I can scratch off my bucket list. I have to thank my wife's friends for taking me to the seedy ass grimey ass red light district of the Philippines. W?W! I had so much fun. Got to see 2 full midget boxing matches and even got to get in the ring and referee one fight. All you have to do is give the midgets money and buy them shots and they will fight for you. Incredibly epic night. And this is after bottles of patron and Dom p with my boy Mega and the BLVCK SCVLE crew at the fort. Damn. I might cancel my trip to Singapore and just find some other shit to do here. I love the Philippines!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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