オードリー・キッチングのインスタグラム(akitching) - 9月30日 22時06分

A balance must take place / " Mother Earth is in trouble, and thus all of us who are her children. Our Earth walk is dangerously unbalanced, and this must be corrected quickly… /// A balancing must take place in which the feminine and masculine energies within each of us, as within all things, can harmonize. /// In our Native way, we are not fully human until we balance these two energies; we cannot make full use of ourselves and our creative gifts until we balance yin and yang, right and left brain, the active and the receptive. /// To be fully human is what is being required of us now on this Earth. This means that more emphasis needs to be placed on… relationship rather than on separation; on power in flow with greater forces rather than on personal dominion over others; on the dark of winter’s earthy germination as well as the rapid growth of summer days; on nurturing rather than destroying and on a deep and sacred ecology that deals respectfully and harmoniously with All Our Relations rathe than with isolated issues.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



