レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 12月5日 12時35分

Just wanted to stop by and remind you of this:

All bullshit happens for a reason. Seriously. All of it. Look the assholes that treat you like crap dead in the eye and never back down. Don't EVER let anybody make you feel small! You are better than them. You deserve better than this. Walk with you head held high. And when they try their best to fuck up the good things that make up your life? Fuck it. Let it go. Kill them with kindness and walk through life a WARRIOR. The only people that lose in this life are those who think there is a game to be played, and by not engaging in their drama at all, you win by default.
Move on. Life is too short to worry about douchebags who need to step on others to get ahead.
#rant #itsok #inhaleexhalerepeat


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