ケビン・ハートのインスタグラム(kevinhart4real) - 12月6日 02時36分

by @thedocumentary "In the wake of 7 year old Taalib Pecantte's murder along with 6 year old Tiana Ricks & all the other children slain this year due to gang violence in my city & On behalf of @therobinhoodproject we are asking all gangs to "CEASE FIRE IN LOS ANGELES" throughout the Christmas holiday season to ensure no more senseless child murders occur & families can enjoy their holiday season in peace. We will try & continue this movement moving into the New Year but for now let's all pass this photo & message along so that no one else is killed this year in our city.... If we start it here at home, the world will catch on. Please re-post this photo & tag #CeaseFireLA & #TheRobinHoodProject WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE TO ASSIST IN PRESERVING OUR CHILDRENS FUTURE. Take action NOW !!!!!!!! These kids deserve to be cared about..... & since it starts with me.......... #CeaseFireLA" via @InstaReposts

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