クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 1月1日 08時32分

The next best moment from my 2013 countdown was high above the Pacific Ocean in central California .
Myself a talented group of friends were working on some time-lapses for a video project.

I'll never forget that night .. Watching Fog move like the sea and seeing planes fly overhead. We wanted to shoot a time lapse of a photographer documenting the night sky, couldnt be more stoked on how it turned out . The warm glow on the horizon is from the inland valley. @jeanpaulm @justinbastien @dylangordon #bestyearyet #bestisyettocome #burkardnewyearscountdown


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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