フィフス・ハーモニーのインスタグラム(fifthharmony) - 3月4日 05時09分

I honestly don't know where to began with you missy ❤️ I love you to pieces & I'm so grateful to have gained a sister like you. I've learned so much about life in general and about myself through things that you have taught me. You've taught me to look at certain things or situations from a different perspective. I haven't always been confident in myself and would always over analyze things that I would do or say but you told me anytime I feel that way just say "WHAT EVERRRRR" lol as simple as that is it works ! I remember this little girl at boot camp with a bow and wearing her moms heels with a whole lotta backkkk lmao #MissNewBooty haha ? i love you always even when we argue over stupid things like who took longer in the shower lol yo mama and papa did a heck of a great job with ya ? I LOVE YOUUUUUU CUHHHHHHHH?????? P.S - don't kill me for post the right top corner pic lol @カミラ・カベロ -@ノーマニ・ハミルトン

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Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
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