レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 3月15日 04時37分

My body is healing.
My heart is not.
I can walk but not bend forward or twist or stand up straight. I'm hunched forward like a very old someone, my body heavy, gravity pulling me down. Mostly I want to lie in bed under the covers with the curtains drawn but Dennis won't let me. He opens up the drapes and carries me out of bed and this morning he brought me under the shower and even shaved my legs. If you want her to talk to you, he says, go sit by the ocean. Go at sunrise and meditate with the wisdom we all know you have inside. Don't lie here in the dark. She is in the light so go where there is light and speak to her. It's sad because I know he is right but the dark is so comforting. And what if I try to reach her but she doesn't answer? Or what if she does? Then this will all be real. And I'd prefer it if it wasn't so drapes and covers and darkness it is. For now.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




