ガブリエル・ユニオンのインスタグラム(gabunion) - 3月18日 02時44分

Sat night I was honored to co-host the #callofthegamedinner to speak about being a rape survivor and to highlight #laurenskids foundation that helps children who've been abused. It is NEVER easy to talk about my journey from rape victim to survivor but I recognize the greater good that comes from my speaking out. I live for the day when I don't hear "It happened to me too" ... That day hasn't come yet... So I continue to do the work... Whatever it takes. Always remember you aren't alone, ppl DO care, and there IS help. So to all the survivors, to all the strong but don't know it yet and ESP to all those struggling to find hope... Love, Light, Healing and Many Blessings ???❤️?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




