レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 3月20日 02時27分

Here is a little update for you all (and a happy picture, I feel it's needed!). All of my upcoming classes and retreats are continuing as planned. I'm teaching in Oslo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Costa Rica, Chicago and many more places these upcoming weeks. Everything is continuing as planned although I might be sharing a lot more of my personal path than usual (which you guys normally like, so I hope that's ok?). Physically I'm healing very quickly, emotionally will take some time and that's alright.
I've been getting a lot of worried emails so I just wanted to reassure you all that I will be there. I am alive. If I stop living it's like mourning two deaths and that's just not good for anyone.

There is space in the upcoming classes in Brazil, all info on upcoming dates is on www.rachelbrathen.com/workshops. Thank you all for your support. Lots of love❤️ #healing #love @bogayoga #feelslikealongtimeago #bogayoga #ocean


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
