ヴァレンティナ・ゼリャヴァのインスタグラム(valentinazelyaeva) - 4月1日 06時15分

Just made this epic Smoothie with berries and coconut yogurt. So YUMM! Here it is --> Strawberry-Raspberry Smoothie with coconut yogurt:
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 cup raspberries
2 majool dates * don't forget to remove pits
2 Table Spoons coconut yogurt * I love Coco Yo brand by Tula's CocoKefir * try to stay way from dairy yogurt
1/2 glass water * just enough to get your blender going. Adjust water amount to consistency that you like. I prefer thinker smoothies , so 1/4 -1/2 cup water is perfect for me.
Place all ingredients in high speed blender, run for 30 sec . Ready to enjoy!
#cocoYo #smoothie #eat


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