ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 4月4日 02時52分

So I haven't done an update/progress picture in a while. A lot has happened and I keep getting sick. :( So it's thrown me off my game for working out consistently.
I however finished the bikini body workout. I haven't been eating as healthy as I'd like because of the above reasons. So I'm going to start the workout from the top AGAIN & try to do more reps within the circuits & focus on form/intensity. I haven't reached my ideal fitness goals & know I can still improve. I finished with a hard core ab workout & was happy that despite eating bad I still have a little definition. This is just a progress picture for myself to keep me motivated. I hope if you have fitness goals that it might motivate you as well!! You CAN do it. :) For anyone following along. Health & fitness isn't just a one day thing, it's a lifestyle. A beautiful one I might add. :) If anyone has the program or wants to join me this round through, you can get it from @ケイラ・アイトサインズ. #bikinibodyworkout #health #fitness #motivation #getfit


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