エコーレッドのインスタグラム(ecko_unltd) - 4月5日 04時35分

An open letter to the Artists and the Instigators:
The Ecko Unlimited brand is alive and well and has NOT filed for bankruptcy. There have been misstatements in the media and it is important that I address them. Contrary to premature reports of its extinction, "The World Famous Rhino Brand" is NOT EXTINCT. There have been reports that the brand I founded in 1993, Ecko Unltd. filed for bankruptcy yesterday. This IS NOT true. The company which filed for Chapter 11 was a former exclusive licensee called "MEE." The company is NOT the Ecko Unlimited brand. Nor is it the Marc Ecko Cut & Sew brand. I have ZERO affiliation. If you take one thing away from this letter, know that the Ecko Unlimited brand and THAT company [MEE], are 2 very, very different things. Capiche? LONG LIVE THE RHINO. +Marc Ecko


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