ニコール・ ポリッツィのインスタグラム(snooki) - 4月7日 10時48分

Totally not singling you out Manderz, since you're not the only one saying this. (But I kind of am) ....I parked in the stork section at babies r us because I am expecting. I got excited to park there again. I went to the store tonight at 7pm, where there were only 5 cars in the parking lot so I am sure I wasn't putting any further along pregnant women in harms way. I didn't park in the spot because "I'm lazy", I parked because I'm excited to be pregnant again, lighten up people. Always see a problem in EVERYTHING I post. I'll never get it. God bless . And I'll be sure to park my pregnant ass in the last parking spot or the parking lot and post a picture to satisfy you. ???


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