NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 4月12日 07時00分

Avionics system for the Space Launch System, or SLS, boosters gets 'boost' of its own on path to space. The avionics system is responsible for igniting, steering and jettison of the two, five-segment solid rocket boosters for the SLS. The boosters used during the first two launches of SLS will be the world's largest at 154 feet long and 12 feet in diameter. The avionics testing, which will be completed this summer, will prove the system is ready to enter the qualification phase leading to SLS's first flight in 2017.

SLS will provide an entirely new capability for human exploration beyond Earth orbit. It also will back up commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station. Designed to be flexible for crew or cargo missions, the SLS will be safe, affordable, and sustainable, to continue America's journey of discovery from the unique vantage point of space. The SLS will take astronauts farther into space than ever before, while engaging the U.S. aerospace workforce here at home.

This image is an artist concept of SLS solid rocket boosters firing their separation rockets and pushing away from the core stage, which continues toward space with the Orion spacecraft.

Image Credit: NASA/MSFC

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