ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月30日 17時32分

Photo: @Keith Ladzinski French climbing legend Arnaud Petit @arnaudpetit_climb belays me (@andrewbisharat) up the 9th pitch of a beautiful, steep 14-pitch rock climb, with the distinctive emerald-colored Verdon river winding and rushing below. We are currently in the Gorges du Verdon in southern France on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック to capture the untold #VerticalOrigins of sport climbing. The style of rock climbing is exceptionally demanding, requiring perfect balance and very strong fingers. With over 1,000 feet of air and gravity pulling you from beneath, every minute shift in your balance and body position either unlocks the sequence and allows you higher passage—or it results in a fall. Arnaud Petit is one of the masters of this demanding style. He moved efficiently and beautifully up the technical stone, never pausing or second guessing himself, and just absolutely flowing in that beautiful dance that all climbers strive to emulate. @etteloc @mattsegal @エミリー・ハリントン @3stringsproductions #bonverdon


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