ジョアンナ・クルーパのインスタグラム(joannakrupa) - 5月12日 07時24分

Best mom in the world by @marta_krupa "Having a mother like you while growing up was the greatest gift and biggest advantage anyone could ever have given me. It is because of the values that you instilled in me that made me who I am today. Thank you for shaping me into a person who I like and am proud to be. Thank you letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, ambition and creativity.Thank you for sitting at endless basketball scrimmages, dance recitals, piano recitals, tennis tournaments, choir, soccer games and school plays. Thank you for making me go to Polish school even though I hated it . Thank you for working so hard in a factory and providing food for us. Thank you for teaching me to enjoy the simple things in life and to treat others like you want to be treated. Thank you for teaching me how to cook and allowing me to camp on our backyard haha. We didn't need much growing up and I couldn't have asked for a better childhood .I love you mama ! Happy Mother's Day ❤️❤️" via @PhotoRepost_app


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