リリー・ガリーチのインスタグラム(lillyghalichi) - 5月15日 04時16分

Secrets week continues!! On yesterday's post about foundation, the most commonly asked question was what concealer I use. I mix two, both from Mac. The first is a cream based concealer called Studio Finish, then on top of that I put a liquid based mineralized concealer. I am a heavy glam girl, so I like dramatic makeup, and I personally love #MacCosmetics You guys are going to be a bunch of A-holes in the comments hating on Mac, well then don't use it. I like it, I use it, and I'm being kind enough to share my secrets with you guys, so have a little respect. Comment below your question about any of my secrets and I'll try to get to it this week. #GhalichiGlam #LillyGhalichi


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




