マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 5月22日 10時21分

"Be a fucking wolf.
Be a fucking lion.
Take no shit.
Set goals, smash them.
Eat people's faces off.
Be a better person.
Show people who the fuck you are.
Never apologize for being awesome.
Stay on the mother fucking course." ***apologies for the language if it offends you. If you've ever been going after something and felt so passionately about accomplishing it, this quote basically takes those feelings and puts them into words. So if you've been in that spot and in that moment in your mind, you won't be offended. If you haven't been there... Why not? #push #determined #motivated #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #worlds #russia #neversettle


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